Thursday, December 08, 2005

Chonta enters the digital world

Hello there! It's been a few days, and this is just another little plug for the record label: Baile/Dance! is now available to buy online, at Calabash Music. Songs are just $0.99 apiece, and there's a special 20-songs-for-$14.99 deal, too. We're really excited about this.

It's been a while since I've posted something non-promotional here, or at least those sorts of posts have been few and far between. As you can imagine, my day job and the rapid developments on the record label front have been keeping me really busy. Moreover, my girlfriend, Mia, who's responsible for our lovely online store, is having a party tomorrow night for the purse company she runs with her sisters. And on top of everything, I've come down with some sort of bug that has run me down.

So there will be some quality posts coming up in the next week, because there's some great material out there, and I do want to share it with you. Until then, chao!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Chonta Store!

We've been working on this for a long time, but the Chonta Store is finally online! You make easy and secure payments through trusted PayPal (owned by Ebay), and we'll put your CDs in the mail as soon as we can. Right now, we're offering Folklore Urbano's Baile/Dance! and Aviso, and any day now we'll be offering Coba's self-titled debut album. Also, look for a unique Chonta Christmas package, offering both of Folklore's CDs, specially wrapped and specially priced!

Also, please remember that buying through our website ensures that more money goes to the artist. We're a 50/50 record company, which means that we split all costs and profits equally with the artists. It also means that we don't make wild investments in recording and marketing expenses--but we believe that this form of business is more just and more sustainable than most others in the record industry (and I'd like to thank Thrill Jockey Records for providing the example that I'm following here). The only way you're going to get more money directly into the hands of the artist is to buy the CD at their concert--but if you can't make it to a show, or you just can't wait that long, then go to the Chonta Store!