Colombian Jazz written up in Colombian press

This week's issue of Semana (the Time magazine of Colombia) has a great article on Colombian jazz. The talk a lot about Medillin group Puerto Candelaria, who have become something of the standard-bearers of Colombian jazz. But there's also a great bit on Chonta artist Ricardo Gallo's new album, Los Cerro Testigos, which in a rough translation calls it "something more rhythmically risky." Ricardo is quoted as saying that he "wanted my music to contain new textures, and even though I'm not a traditionalist, that there would be an allusion to tradition."
There's also a mention of La Distritofonica artist Asdrubal, whose CD I've listened to a bit, and I want to write about them soon. But Ricardo's CD is so much better! This Colombian jazz, along with the resurgence in traditional Colombian music, is really the new thing!
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